Monday, October 27, 2008

Somali Folly: I Feel a Climax Building

Alarming news from Somalia. The pirates that have captured the Faina have delivered an ultimatum to the ship owners. According to local radio, the pirates have promised to kill the crew within 24 hours if they don't receive a ransom. The sum mentioned is $1,700,000. The captain of the Faina described the conditions aboard the ship that the crew had to endure in the latest telephone call: "The crew has had to crowd into one small room because the pirates can't organize a watch over several rooms at once."



Anonymous said...

Hey, shipmate. I can't understand Russian, so I'm not sure what that newscast is tacitly telling you. I believe there have been ultimatums issued before.

What things prompt your sense that a climax is building?

Appreciate it.



Anonymous said...

Maybe its because its the lowest ransom demand yet, food and water are running out, and the pirates no doubt realize they cant fight off boarders when they are delirious from dehydration.

Chus said...

Nurse in Times Square war photo reunites with Navy :D